What you need to know
Times & Location
Dress Code
Sabbath (Saturday) | 10:00am
Bible Study Wednesdays | 6:30pm
1420 N Austin Street Seguin, Tx
Suite 10
We are located inside 1420 N Austin Street. You can find us in suite 10. There is plenty of street parking.
For the kids
We are constantly working to improve our offerings and expand upon our sevices. At this time we do not have children's church. Children who remain in service must be supervised at all times. We do have a room available for breastfeeding mothers and for young children should they need to take a break during service.
We welcome casual dress such as shorts, T-shirts etc. We are a part of God's kingdom and as such we have an obligation to honor the Lord and one another by how we dress and not to be a stumbling block for our fellow brothers and sisters. Here are some basic guidelines to keep the atmosphere at Sword of the Lord conducive to holiness as we gather to worship the Lord together.
No shirts with inappropriate pictures or writing on them
No baggy Jeans
No tank tops or sleeveless shirts
Shorts should be at least knee length
No low-cut tops exposing cleavage
No mid-drift tops
No strapless tops or spagetti straps unless wearing something over it that covers it.
Skirts, dresses, and shorts should be knee length.
Leggings or skinny jeans must have at a knee length skirt over them. Leggings should not be worn alone
No form fitting clothing of any kind.
What to expect during our services
Services start with the call to worship with the blowing of the Shofars. We value Adonai's promises, with the reciting/singing of the Shema. We will recite the 10 commandments together remembering the Lord's commandments.
After reciting the 10 commandments, a member of our teaching team will share the Torah Portion which everyone is encouraged to follow along.
After the Torah Portion, song lyrics are projected onto the screen so you can sing along and/or engage with worship however you feel most comfortable. Then our Pastor will bring the Message filled with an encouraging and inspiring message to help disciple our community. After service we celebrate the sabbath with Oneg (delight). A time of eating and fellowshipping with one another. This is open for everyone and is a potluck meal. Please see our section on what we practice so that you will know what to bring for Oneg.