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Our Mission


SLA exist to help others live out the life they were created to live in Yeshua (Jesus). This life is founded on the commandments of loving God with all of our hearts and loving our neighbors as we love ourselves. Upon these two commandments hinge all of the laws and the prophets. 




​Our Statement of Faith

We are a first century Judeo-Christian Messianic congregation returning to the Jewish roots of the faith in the Messiah Yeshua through the Hebraic understanding of the scriptures. We follow the divinely inspired holy scriptures, commonly referred to as the Old and New Testaments, as God’s holy word for us to live by. We seek to understand the scriptures in the purest form possible, studying them from the Hebrew perspective and in the Hebrew and Greek languages in which they were written. Elohim is the Hebrew word for God. G od’s holy name as noted in the original Hebrew language is YHVH, usually translated as Lord or Adonai in most Bibles. His Son’s name is Yeshua, translated as Jesus in English. The Holy Spirit is known as the Ruach HaKodesh in Hebrew.

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